Acadia Pregnancy Support - Revoked


Group expelled from Acadia Students’ Union

Recent news has brought Acadia University into the spotlight. On September 1, the Acadia Students’ Union (ASU) revoked the society status of Acadia Pregnancy Support (APS) after allegations that the group was handing out anti-choice propaganda to clients considering abortion.

In speaking with the CBC, fourth year student Kendall Jones shared her experience seeking support from the group. In 2015, worried she was pregnant, Jones found the Acadia Pregnancy Support office in the ASU. 

She was only looking for a pregnancy test, but when she revealed that she would likely consider abortion an option if it came back positive, she was handed a pamphlet outlining abortion risks instead.

APS, led by students but funded by the Valley Care Pregnancy Centre, advertised itself as providing “love, acceptance and non-judgmental support” to students. Christian in their constitution, the group claimed to serve all people, and invite all people to participate. 

Their services included free pregnancy tests and support for students “carrying their pregnancy to term” while continuing education. Despite allegations, Bill Davenport, director of the Valley Care Pregnancy Centre, is adamant that “Acadia Pregnancy Support has nothing to do with abortion.”

Davenport also says that the group’s expulsion from the ASU is “just really sad.” The group was supposedly working to create a proposal for childcare on campus - something Acadia is, unfortunately, lacking. 

Davenport also suggested that the group’s raison d’être was spurred from a lack of available resources for students, though in speaking to some of the school’s current students, it is evident that Acadia does have many other resources that strive to support students through pregnancy. According to staff and students, the Women’s Centre, as well as the Dennis Clinic and Counselling Centre, both offer services to support students dealing with pregnancy while at school.

Acadia student Sophie Chambers states that though she never accessed the group’s services, she’s “really ashamed” of the allegations that have been tied to it, and how they reflect on the school. “Acadia is such a welcoming and accepting school,” she said, and Acadia Pregnancy Support “did not carry that standard into their group.”

Chambers and Jones are only two of many students who opposed the group’s position on campus. According to an article published by the CBC, the ASU’s former executive had received a number of complaints, prompting them to reach out to this year’s acting president, George Philp. Philp has refused to speak to The Xaverian about the matter, though he has previously stated that the ASU is “investigating the matter,” and other sources have confirmed that the group has been stripped of its designation as an internal organization.

Students weren’t alone in their concerns. According to Dr. Zelda Abramson, Associate Professor of Sociology at Acadia University, ever since the group first appeared on campus

“there was deep concern among many faculty members that counselling for pregnancy should not be from an anti-choice ideology.” Though the group offered reassurance that all options would be available to students seeking their services, Abramson says that this was not the case. Looking at stories like Jones’, this becomes all the more evident.

On top of the group’s supposed false advertising, the medical information that it provides is, according to a number of experts, questionable at best. Dr. Sarah Rudrum, Assistant Professor of Sociology, points out that the group’s materials “include medically inaccurate information about abortion that focuses on risks and fails to identify how to access abortion services.”

She also brings up a valuable point about client safety, sharing that “providing quasi-medical services such as testing and counselling can lend a sense of legitimacy, but pregnancy centers are not clinics and are not subject to the same checks and balances that govern medical service provision.”

Dr. Robyn MacQuarrie, a gynecologist in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, agrees. Pamphlets given out to students like Jones included information citing abortion as a factor increasing a woman’s risk of breast cancer, which MacQuarrie says is not medically accurate. 

MacQuarrie shared with CBC that Valley Care, where Acadia Pregnancy Support sources their information, shares more information and studies referenced by anti-abortion organizations than from trustworthy medical organizations such as the National Institutes of Health.

Despite having been expelled from the ASU, the Acadia Pregnancy Support Group remains active online and on campus. 

Davenport shared that his team had recently surveyed students to gauge interest in participation and claims that 50% of students surveyed were interested in joining the group; the other 50% of respondents cited lack of free time as reason for not getting involved. The group currently has no returning members from previous years.

StFX Health and Counselling would like to assure students that should they need support, they can find nonjudgmental, confidential services here on campus. 

Margaret McKinnon, director of Health and Counselling, shared the following statement with The Xaverian Weekly:

“At the StFX Health and Counselling Centre, students’ health and wellbeing are our greatest priority, including when students come to us because of unplanned pregnancy. Our services are inclusive and nonjudgmental, and we ensure that students receive accurate information about all their options, so they can make informed decisions about their health care. We provide the highest standards of care at the Health and Counselling Centre, and we support and protect students’ rights to respect and dignity, regardless of their health care choices.”


Comedian Breaking into the Mainstream


Xavier B. Gould, Acadian entertainer

Xavier B. Gould, artist from Shédiac, New-Brunswick, was interviewed over the phone by Yanik Gallie on Wednesday 17, 2018.

Graduate from Mount Allison University in Drama, Xavier was noted as one of the 30 under 30 artists by Acadie Nouvelle last year.

The humorist hosts Le Bilingual Show: Hosté par Jass-Sainte featuring comics from New-Brunswick and Québec at Centre des Arts et de la Culture de Dieppe on February 17, 2018.


The interview was recorded over telephone around 2pm on Wednesday 17, 2018. English interview translated by Yanik Gallie. For the full interview in the Acadian dialect, visit our Xaverian Weekly website @

YG: What does pride mean to you?

XG: Historically, pride meant nothing to me. It showed I didn’t fit in with the LGBTQ+ community. Pride is a big statement.

Growing up, and even in university, I distanced myself a lot from pride. Whether it be going to events or having gay friends, I didn’t participate that much. I didn’t feel like I fit in one of the boxes that was pride.

I learned within the last two years that I can create my own frigging box and make whatever I want out of pride. I can meet people who feel the same way I do and create my box with them. I take part of what pride represents, be yourself.

For me, pride’s accepting my own box that I recreate as I grow, and I’m happy.

YG: How was Jass-Sainte Bourque received by the LGBTQ+ community?

XG: I was host of an event at pride this summer when a group of kids between 10-12 years old saw me getting lunch on a break. They freaked out, “Jass-Sainte! Jass-Sainte!”

One said, “It’s my first pride. If my parents knew I was here, they’d disown me.” I shared my story with them, “When I was your age, my parents did interventions. In a failed attempt to protect me, they told me to tone it down and be less open about my sexuality. Last week, I sent a picture of myself wearing heels and makeup at rehearsal to my dad. He replied, ‘Holy shit, you look fabulous. The world is not worthy.’ If my dad made it this far up the road, it will work out for you. Give your parents a chance, and continue to be yourselves.”

They looked to me with an inspired expression, knowing that I’ve been through some shit and can still make people laugh.

YG: What moment inspired your comical character Jass-Sainte Bourque?

XG: I read the poem “Fuck you, Évangeline” by Céleste Godin. That was one of the pillar moments when I realized that, in Acadie, you have the right to turn things upside down.

You don’t need to listen to music by 1755 for the rest of your life. You can if you want, that’s valid. As an artist and creator, you have the right and are encouraged to make it your own.

What is culture if it cannot change? At that moment, I thought about Jass-Sainte seriously. This is a way for me to assume myself within my culture.

YG: Strong fictional female characters Marichette, Sagouine and Delphine B. B. Bosse are symbolic of the archetypal strong Acadian woman in literature. How do you distinguish your character from those of your predecessors?

XG: Jass-Sainte is contemporary. She is all about social media with her Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, whatever accounts right. Versus La Sagouine, it’s a written literary work, a play. Jass-Sainte is different because the personage is adapted for today with the technology.

But, it’s not that different because what previous characters did was indicative of the time too. When Sagouine was published, it was a driving force that inspired the creation of many literary works. Hopefully, Jass-Sainte is the start of a similar movement.

Another difference, Jass-Sainte is ambiguous in whether she is a woman or man. I keep it vague on purpose. She is also ambiguous in who she likes. Technology and ambiguity set Jass-Sainte apart.

YG: How did studying Drama at Mount Allison University influence your strategy in producing a dramatic and comedic character?

XG: In many ways, the production, movement and acting classes influenced my strategy. The main way my studies influenced me is that I learned to think critically.

The way education is set up at Mount A is that while you read, you ask critical questions. Don’t take for granted that just because you are given a reading it’s true. Meaning, they can give you a super racist and sexist reading from the 1920s so that you think, holy shit, that’s racist and sexist.

Pose questions. Why was it written like that? What would it be like if it were written today? Critically analyze the reading and make creative conclusions. Keep it critical moving forward. It’s how I go about with my creations.

YG: What advice would you give to someone interested in writing monologue?

XG: If you have a character or an idea, if it’s authentic to you or your experiences and you want to share that, fucking share it. Run with it. Being yourself will lead you to success.

It’s impossible to know all strategies, contracts and connections. The only thing you can know 100% is let your box continuously develop. Make it your own.