The sober frosh
/Getting the most out of "Canada's top party school" without drinking
The day I told my parents I was considering attending StFX for my undergraduate degree, my dad joked that I was only going for the parties. After all, it is “Canada’s top party school.” I had many reasons for making StFX my school of choice; partying was the last item on that list. It fell just after meal hall food and communal washrooms. This is because I had decided that I would not drink during my first year of university.
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This choice shaped my year in more ways than one. I was nervous to go to the top party school as someone who did not party, I feared being unable to meet people and ultimately, feeling lonely in this new town that I had decided to call home. Fortunately, I was able to get involved and make some great friends, without partying.
Frosh week can be very intimidating for someone who cannot drink or chooses not to drink. Hang in there, I promise it gets better. You will quickly realize that your new best friend is not always the person you meet when you are wasted. Your real friends are the ones who stick by your side when everyone is sober. They are the people that you have common interests with, whom you meet while you are doing things you love. Keep in mind that you do not have to be drinking to have fun, you can still go to parties and enjoy yourself. Take care of those around you; DD’ing is always a great excuse to decline a drink.
My best piece of advice for any frosh is to show up. Join societies, there are a tremendous amount on campus, from debate to scuba lessons, it is not hard to find something that you are interested in. Make an intramural team, you do not have to be a great athlete to join intramurals, and it’s an awesome way to meet people. Finally, attend events. You would be surprised how many opportunities there are for people who are willing to take them. By getting involved within the campus community you create a network of people around you that will be with you throughout your university career.
What if society meetings and campus events are not your thing? Fear not, for there are plenty of fun things to do in Antigonish. Below is a list of things to do in town that do not involve drinking.
· Test pizza at the Wheel and Kenny’s and decide which one is better. As a Xaverian, it is your duty to be able to answer the age-old question: Kenny’s, or the Wheel?
· Head to the Townhouse to test their specials and listen to some killer live music.
· Go for a walk to the Landing (just past the train tracks at the end of Main Street) and take some photos of the beautiful scenery.
· Check out a poetry slam at the Tall and Small Café, or just head down to try their delicious chai tea lattes.
· Tuesday night bingo at The Legion, such a fun social activity and you may even win the jackpot!
Please take advantage of what Antigonish and StFX has to offer. During frosh week my first year, I needed someone to tell me that it was okay that I didn’t drink. To all you frosh who are feeling pressure to participate in any party activity that you are uncomfortable with, it is okay to say no. I assure you, “Canada’s top party school” aside, people will respect your decision and you will still make lifelong friends along the way.