Blood Clinic leads to Controversy

Blood Clinic leads to Controversy

March 9, 2021, Queer students entering Bloomfield Centre were met with a common but unexpected sight. Canadian Blood Services (CBS), who due to the Health Canada restrictions on donations from men who have sex with men (MSM) enforce what many describe as a discriminatory ban on blood donations from Queer men, had set up a donation clinic in the MacKay room.

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Representatives Elected

The results of the 2021 Representative Council elections for the StFX Students’ Union were announced March 10, 2021. 

Polling took place over two days, March 9 and 10, and included elections for the Science, Arts, Business, Equity, International, Students of African-Descent, and Education constituencies. 

A rare phenomenon at StFX, this election saw no incumbents reoffering for their positions. There were also few candidates, with the only contested race being that for Students of African-Descent Representative. 

Meredith Cudmore-Keating, StFX Students’  Union Chair of Council thanked all voters saying “this was a great election to finish the year off .and we look forward to seeing you vote next year.”

The results ended with the following candidates being elected.

Arts Representative - Margaret-Ann Gillis

Business Representative - Hunter Park

Education Representative - Tianna Williams

Equity Representative - Tiffany Bondoc

International Representative - Derin Derici

Students of African-Descent Representative - Atik Gilao

Science Representative - Mackenzie LeVernois

The Graduate Student Representative has not been elected for the 2021-2022 year. 

Part of the Community

I’ve recently been described as having “forgotten what it means to be part of the community,” because of some tweets about Mulroney Hall. To clear things up I want to tell you what it means to me to a member of this community.

To frame this discussion, it’s important to differentiate between StFX, and X. StFX is the institution; it is the structures and decisions put in place by administrators to run this organization. X is the community; it is the body of students that live together, learn together, and become friends during their time at this university.

Being a member of this community means holding the institution accountable and rejecting the decisions that hurt us. Students have a proud history of action. We have rallied against sexualized violence, we’ve marched for racial equality, we’ve fought for our rights in response to the waiver. This is the essence of X. We come together en masse when we need each other, and we aren’t afraid to question authority. When we act, we are capable of making change to this institution.

StFX on the other hand, puts up a veneer of caring. The performative emails and social media posts that exclaim commitments to equality and promises to change amount to nothing. Instead of funding increased supports for the most vulnerable members of our community, we build shrines to alumni. Instead of adequately funding student advisors, we rename a lounge and raise a flag. As students, we know that we have a choice to either fight or accept. Often, we accept, knowing that we’re unlikely to succeed.

To me, being a member of the community means the time I was invited to participate in a Smith House Colloquium on Free Speech. It means that when the senior admin were gathered in that living room trying to justify the idea of bringing Donald Trump to campus because “it would be huge for us,” I had to either speak up or maintain my relationship with the most powerful people at the university.

To me, being a member of the StFX community means the time when I sat in my office listening to a student cry for two hours because they had been made homeless by a residence suspension.

To me, being a member of the StFX community means when the university welcomes police to campus with open arms in the middle of the largest protests against police violence in history.

To me, being a member of the StFX community means the daily promises to change, and the daily failures to follow through.

StFX is not a community.

Being part of the X community means the time my neighbors in MSB all chipped in to buy care packages for each other during exams.

Being part of the X community means the creation of the Peer Support Program, solving a problem the university had failed to address.

Being part of the X community means the time that students organized the largest protest march in Antigonish history in support of Black Lives Matter.

Being part of the X community means the commitment to each other, and our willingness to change.

X is a community.

So, to the people who think I’ve rejected the StFX community, you’re right. I reject your Mulroney worship, your lies, and your failure to act. If you want us back in the fold, take a note from the students. Follow through on your promises, start treating us as partners in education, and listen when we tell you what’s wrong.

I go to StFX, but I belong to X.

An Interview with Hunter Park, Candidate for First Year Representative

Editor-in-Chief Will Fraser sat down with each of the candidates for 2020-2021 First Year Representative.

Candidate: Hunter Park
Slogan: Let’s make this year like no other, vote for Hunter!

WF: Tell us a bit about yourself and why you decided to run. 

My name is Hunter Park. And I'm from a small island in southern New Brunswick with a population of 2500 people. And I came to StFX because I had visited here a couple times, and I love the community feel. In high school, I was co-President of Student Council. I was vice-president of my class and editor of the yearbook. So, I love being involved and I love student government. I'm a first-year business student at X and I'm staying in MacIsaac Hall, and I'm loving it here. 

WF: Can you tell us what the job of first year rep involves? 

So, the first-year rep to me is to represent the views of everyone in first year, and what they would like done. So basically, advocating for what they want as a group and being there to listen to their opinions and what they'd like to do. 

WF: What is your platform? 

My platform is based on three main points. The first one is equity and diversity. The second one is student involvement and activities. And the third one is safety.  

So, in equity and diversity, I'm openly gay. So I understand how it feels to be left out, and I understand the importance of inclusion on campus and Equity and Diversity being something that StFX strives for, I would love to stand for that as well and it would be my goal to make campus feel like a safe place for everyone. 

So, student activities. I understand there's a house point system here, but not a lot of people know how many points their house has, or what the rankings are and I would like to implement a system whether that be an app or a website, where students can see where their house is standing, and what activities there are to participate in. and saying that I would also like to have more fun activities, while maintaining safe COVID regulations.  

Moving into safety. The main thing that I've heard the students of the class of 2024 want is to reduce restrictions. So, my goal is to maintain a balance between staying safe during COVID, and loosening restrictions as much as safely possible. 

WF: If you can only accomplish one thing on your platform, which would it be? 

If I could only accomplish one thing on my platform, it would be the Student Involvement part. It would be to make it a more fun year for everyone and to listen to what activities and things students would like to do this year. 

WF: The Students’ Union has historically been criticized for being elitist. How will you make The U more open and approachable to students? 

I never had that impression personally of the U, but now that I know that that's a reputation that they have had, I would strive to approach everyone in first year and try to make them comfortable giving input and communicating with the union input in what happens with the union and communicating with me for the union. 

WF: What do you think of StFX’s handling of COVID-19? What would you change? 

I'm very happy that we get to be here in person, and I think that StFX has done a great job with creating a place where we can feel safe. However, there are a few things that I would change, such as I would remove masks in residence buildings and in meal hall, I would create eating areas per each residence house so that you're not sitting with people from different houses, that way you can feel safe in your residence and maintain distance from people within other residences.

WF: Looking at the other candidates, why should first years vote for you over them? 

I personally love all the other candidates and spent time with a lot of them and I think that we'd all be really good choices for the part. However, I as well as other candidates have had experience with student government and representing people. And I would love to represent students of '24. 

WF: If you were to lose the election, which candidate do you hope would win? 

All three candidates have advantages, specific advantages, so I can't pick one to win. 

WF: Anything else you’d like to say to first-years? 

I'd love to have this chance to represent you guys and I hope in the case that I do get elected, that you feel comfortable talking to me about anything, and I'm doing this for the class of '24. 

An Interview with Brendan Roberts, Candidate for First Year Representative

Editor-in-Chief Will Fraser sat down with each of the candidates for 2020-2021 First Year Representative.

Candidate: Brendan Roberts
Slogan: satisfying your hunger for change

WF: Tell us a bit about yourself and why you decided to run. 

My name is Brendan Roberts. I'm from Calgary, Alberta. I, you know, grew up in Calgary, but I lived in Halifax for a few years. My family still has a cottage in Nova Scotia, that we usually come back to. You know, so I do, I do have a bit of a connection to Nova Scotia and that's sort of why I came to StFX originally. I'm running because I've always really been interested in student government. So I was my high school student council president and I've always been trying to get really involved. So you know, here at StFX, I'm actually the director of academics for the Schwartz Business Society. And yeah, I'm just running because, you know, I've heard from a lot of different students just, you know, there's some clarification, I think that could be made, just regarding different policies, especially in terms of the COVID-19 policies, that maybe students aren't fully understanding and I'm not saying that, you know, we're gonna get everything changed, and it's not going to be a normal year, because it isn't a normal year, but, but perhaps maybe just asking for a bit more clarification from the university. 

WF: Can you tell us what the job of first year rep involves? 

It's obviously to represent the voices and the opinions of all first years on campus to the best of your ability. So, for me that looks like, you know, trying to try to take polls and surveys from first years. So I would definitely try and incorporate as much input from the broader first year community as I could, you know, I can, I can always just ask my friends, my personal group of friends, but that doesn't necessarily represent everyone else on campus and I know, you know, opinions vary between residences and friend groups and programs and stuff. So it's kind of just taking all the opinions of all first years on campus, and trying to decide, you know, what's in the best interest for everyone and I can obviously relate to that, because I'm a first year myself. 

WF: What is your platform? 

So, I have three main points for my platform. The first is diversity, equality, and, just inclusivity on campus. So, trying to promote kind of those three things and diversity amongst different people and also trying to promote and support the different groups and kind of programs on campus. So ones like the, different societies that support different minority groups, as well as like the sexual violence support program, I can't quite remember the name, but there is one on campus that I would like to support a little bit more and kind of promote it and make people aware that those programs are on campus, for the students to access if they need them. My second biggest point, or platform policy idea would be trying to work with the university and with the Students' Union, just to, if we are still required to self-isolate, after the semester one break during the holidays. It's trying to make a better self-isolation plan. So just, you know, taking what we learned in semester one and applying it to semester two, and just trying to, you know, maybe that's something that looks like pushing the start date of classes back another two weeks, as we did in semester one, or maybe it looks like starting classes on a normal time, but doing the first two weeks online so that students have something to do while they're self-isolating. I mean, there's a million other possibilities. So, it's kind of just taking everyone's sort of opinions and ideas and trying to collaborate with everyone. And then my third and final biggest point is just as I said before, working with the university and working with first years to help sort of provide a bit of clarification and communication between first years and the university administration just to you know, if there's policies or rules that students don't quite understand, sort of trying to voice on behalf of the administration, why things are that way, and then also voicing the concerns of first years for policies that maybe, you know, we don't quite understand and we don't feel that should be in place, voicing those concerns to university administration. So, to kind of create a bit of a two-way street there. 

WF: If you can only accomplish one thing on your platform, which would it be? 

If I had to pick one, honestly, it would be trying to promote the diversity and the inclusivity on campus just because, you know, people can live with some odd rules and restrictions in place in terms of the COVID-19 crisis but for people who are maybe facing discrimination or things like that, that's something that they're going through every day and I think that for trying to make a difference in their lives for people who have maybe been going through this their entire lives, this is probably what I would want to try and accomplish the most. But, obviously, that's not to say that I'm going to work any less hard at trying to create communication between university administration students, first year students, in terms of the COVID-19 crisis. 

WF: The Students’ Union has historically been criticized for being elitist. How will you make The U more open and approachable to students? 

You know I think that by being a first year student, myself, and not having any previous connection, or any connection at all, to the U, I think that sort of the first step here, you know, I've heard, you know, people, you know, when whenever there's sort of a bigger, sort of godlike figure, in this case, I guess you could call that the U, people will always be critical of organizations like that. But, you know, for me, I want to try and be sort of communication between the students and the U. So, by being a first-year student, by not having any connections to the U, I think that I can be a bit more approachable than, say, one of the VPs on the U. 

WF: What do you think of StFX’s handling of COVID-19? What would you change? 

Yeah, so I mean, this is obviously part of my platform, so I've spoken a bit on this already. But I think that StFX has done an amazing job. You know, in hindsight, we can talk about all the little things but, but in hindsight side effects has done an amazing job at handling this crisis, just because, you know, they, they took a world pandemic, and, worked with the community with intergovernmental organizations, provincial government with the health care system, and put in place a plan so that students could come from across Canada, and there's even a few, you know, students from outside Canada that are able to come in and study here and we're one of the only universities really, that I've heard of that is doing in person classes at all. So, I think that's a really amazing thing and it's, it's such a privilege, and I think that all the students here should be so appreciative and very lucky, 

that we're in a position where we can, you know, be a part of this. Now, having said that, you know, I do think that there's some restrictions, you know, that are maybe a little over the top. For example, you know, the other day, my dad picked me up, he was taking me out to lunch and it was, I believe is on Sunday, but I was walking out to the car, he parked a couple streets over just on campus but I had to walk in, you know, I walked with my face mask on, but I was walking alone, there's no one out. So, you know, it seems a little odd that we have to wear face masks outside, you know, especially when we're not near anyone. You know, another big thing I think, for me that I would like a bit more clarification on is, you know why we have to wear face masks when we're in our residence with, you know, a couple people of we're in our rooms and we have friends over whatever, why we have to wear masks then but you know, we can go to meal hall and, and you can have 15 people or whatever sitting at a table from all different residences, eating without your masks. So, you know, just things like that, I think, could use a bit more clarification and maybe some review from the university but in, you know, in the grand scheme of things, I think universities done an amazing job. 

WF: Looking at the other candidates, why should first-years vote for you over them? 

I think first year students should vote for me because, well, I was, at first the only candidate and I'm one of the only candidates still to have actually released a platform. You know, I have my website linked to my bio that goes into fairly good detail just about my platform, my points and my points of recommendation, but, you know, I'm still one of the only candidates to actually have released a platform at all and I'm the only one to have gone into detail about how I'm going to get things done and exactly what it is I want to try and do. I think that the other thing is, I'm, you know, I've taken a lot of time, especially just this past weekend, where I was walking around with my campaign manager, Marcel, and I was just walking around, you know, just around campus, and we went to the wheel, and just talking to people and just sitting in and seeing what their concerns were, and trying to understand, you know, because my opinion of what's important as a first year might be very different than someone else's. So just trying to understand different people's opinions, and different people's experiences. As a first-year student, I think it's sort of what sets me apart from my opponents. 

WF: If you were to lose the election, which candidate do you hope would win? 

I can honestly say, you know, all the candidates are, really good people, I don't think I could pick just one candidate. You know, I can say great things about all of them. Katia, she's a really, really kind person, she has, you know, a great deal of respect for me, she's, sort of one of those people who is, you know, she tries to see the bright in things, and she tries to work hard for what she believes in. Hunter actually released a platform a few days ago on his Instagram and, you know, he's been pretty vocal about, you know, what his, what his platform is, and what he wants to try and accomplish in the university. And Anna you know, she's also just an excellent, she's a very kind person as well, like, she, you know, she's working hard and you know, she's just overall a very decent person, a very kind person to speak to, and I think that, you know, whoever gets elected on Thursday you know, they'll have my support and I think any one of us would do a great job. 

WF: Anything else you’d like to say to first-years? 

I think the biggest thing for me is as much as I would love to have your vote, and I, you know, I will obviously continue to campaign 'till the end of the campaign period. And as much as I want to say, you know, vote Brendan and support me in my platform and, and work with me, you know, the biggest thing is just get out and vote. So, on Wednesday, students, you'll get an email to your X account, with a link from the Students' Union, just where you can log in, and you can vote on Wednesday. But yeah, the biggest thing is just vote and don't forget that on Wednesday, there's a meet and greet at the Inn and if you can show proof that you voted, you get 50% off appetizers. 

An Interview with Katia Beales-Salovitch , Candidate for First Year Representative

Editor-in-Chief Will Fraser sat down with each of the candidates for 2020-2021 First Year Representative.

Candidate: Katia Beales-Salovitch
Slogan: A voice for you. 

WF: Tell us a bit about yourself and why you decided to run. 

So, I'm Katia, I'm originally from New Jersey, but I live in South Carolina now. My mom went to X so that's what drew me to the school to begin with. I'm a business student, and I'm minoring in political science. I plan when I graduate to go into politics. So, when I saw this opportunity, I jumped at it.  

WF: Can you tell us what the job of first year rep involves? 

The job of the first-year rep is really about advocating for the first-year reps, you know, every year, there'll be different issues and different things that come up in discussions. So, it's just making sure that you are making decisions and speaking on behalf of the class and not just you know, your personal opinions. 

WF: What is your platform? 

My platform this year is "a voice for you." and what this means to me is making sure like I said in the previous question, really making decisions and speaking on behalf of the class, far too many times this role is used as a way for, you know, someone to make their own personal decisions on what they think is best and I'm really about my platform is really about making sure everyone in our class as many as possible, you know, can really get their opinions and their ideas out during our first years, students here at X. 

WF: If you can only accomplish one thing on your platform, which would it be? 

If I can accomplish one thing, it would really be about the main point of my agenda, which is a voice for you. My goal is, if I'm elected to, to hear out as many first years as possible, whether that be in person, you know, COVID-19, it's a little hard so that'd be in person or on social media or, you know, through email or whatever. To really just get to know first-years and see what they want to accomplish this year. You know, of course, every person has a different idea. So, you know, to get a cohesive conclusion of what everyone wants to accomplish is my goal. 

WF: The Students’ Union has historically been criticized for being elitist. How will you make The U more open and approachable to students? 

Especially nowadays inclusivity is a huge deal, especially to me personally, I think that constantly working on making not only the Student Union, but you know, our class, our school and, you know, everything on campus as inclusive as possible is always a constant goal that we should be working on, and with my platform a voice for you, I think that part of that is, you know, being inclusive, not just listening to people that I personally hang out with, or see on a daily basis or have in my classes, but, you know, see the person that I normally would never come across on campus and listening to what they have, I don't want to just listen to people that have the same opinions as me. If not, you know, that would just be my agenda I want, I genuinely want to hear everyone out because I think that's the best way we can come up with ideas and goals that we want to accomplish, just, you know, sometimes other people that you wouldn't even think to talk to, you have some of the greatest ideas. And that's something that I just really want to focus on this year, and make sure that everyone's included, and not just me, or, you know, whoever wins for sure, not just us, you know, kind of thing. 

WF: What do you think of StFX’s handling of COVID-19? What would you change? 

It's a great question. So, I'm from the States. So definitely, COVID-19 is way worse there and it's not being handled the best, most of my friends are having to be sent home from college, which is not the best scenario, especially because most of my friends are first years, I think StfX is handling it honestly, so good. You know, we're one of the only schools that is in person at all, let alone we have no cases so far, which is, you know, amazing. We've all been able to, you know, still socialize, and, you know, following the COVID guidelines and all that and we've also still got to, you know, participate in all these great things, there's been so many volunteering, there's been hikes and stuff, you know, I think, I really do think X has done a great job and the only thing that I would push to find out soon is what, you know, Christmas break and second semester is going to be this year, you know, I know, that's a lot of stress on people's minds, and, you know, with plans and just, you know, the second semester in general. So, I definitely would want to find out as soon as possible, what that entails and, you know, what are what are the options for that? 

WF: Looking at the other candidates, why should first-years vote for you over them? 

I really do think all of our candidates this year would do an amazing job. They're all so nice, and, you know, awesome people that I've really been grateful to get to know, these people, like I said, I would never have talked to outside of this. So, it's really awesome that I've gotten to do that and that's exactly what I hope for of I become first-year to just meet more people just like this. I think that my experience in high school will really help me with this role. I've had a lot of leadership experience, you know, being president and being on other members of executive teams for my high school and leadership activities. I have a huge passion for this, it's not just something that is a fun thing for me, I really do love it. And it's something that I want to do, you know, this is what I want to do as my career. So, I put a lot of focus into this and a lot of time and effort into this. So, I think that although my other candidates are great, because my passion is so huge for this, I will be spending so much time and you know, my mind will really be focused on this throughout the year. 

WF: If you were to lose the election, which candidate do you hope would win? 

If I lose the election, I hope that whichever candidate people, you know, connect with the most, of course, I want to win, you know, anyone that's running wants to win, but I really do want all the first years that decide to vote to vote for who they think is best. You know, of course, everyone has friends and, you know, you know, people from this that are the other thing, but I think everyone should vote for who they think is going to do the best job and who lines up with what they want to do the best. I think everyone has their personal opinion, and I hope whoever, I really do hope whoever gets the most votes, and whoever people align with the most wins, and that will do the best job for our first year because it's my first year as well. So, I really do want any of the four of us to succeed. 

WF: Anything else you’d like to say to first-years? 

I want to say that I know this year is not the most conventional year with COVID-19. But, you know, we just got to take it day by day and you know, the stresses will go away, hopefully soon. 

And, you know, to keep their heads up and within this election, like I said, you know, vote for who you personally think will do the best for you. If that's me, great and if not, that's totally okay. My campaign is about a voice for you because I want to listen to everyone's opinions and have conversations and, you know, really make this year about all of us as it should be, you know, we're all first year it's not just me, so I hope that if I'm elected, I get to meet as many of you guys and, 

you know, have conversations with you, whether that be about student union business or not. 

But you know, please feel free even after the election to direct message me on my Instagram or Snapchat me or email me or whatever, ask me or talk to me about anything. 


An Interview with Anna Hancin, Candidate for First Year Representative

Editor-in-Chief Will Fraser sat down with each of the candidates for 2020-2021 First Year Representative.

Candidate: Anna Hancin
Slogan: Let's make this year unforgettable 

WF: Tell us a bit about yourself and why you decided to run. 

So, my name is Anna Hancin. I am originally from Lindsay, Ontario. I have had lots of experience throughout my high school career, I progressively got more and more involved in my high school years, I realized that I love to make a difference in the school community. I was a founder of our high school's mental health team. So, our goals were to advocate for mental health resources within the school and within that group, I was able to organize mental health conferences, advocate for students get some resources available. So, I feel like I am qualified for this position because of that experience. As well, as part of the mental team, I was also a school announcer, so I am very articulate, and I'm confident in my speaking. I like to advocate for others and organize events for the better of the community. I love to talk to others and listen to others, get their inputs. I enjoy advocating for others listening, and I'm passionate about what I do. When I set my mind to something, I do the very best that I can to make that happen. I'm very determined and passionate. 

WF: Can you tell us what the job of first year rep involves? 

My job is to represent first years in the Student Union. So, I am here to be your voice in the Student Union, advocate for what the first-years want, the changes that they want to see. I want to make sure that the class of 2024 is happy and is represented I am your voice. Especially during COVID, as a part of my campaign, I've made myself available using email and Instagram, and I really just want to connect everyone amongst this pandemic. We're all going through this together. So, I want to bring all of these first-years together to share their experiences. 

WF: What is your platform? 

So, my slogan or motto this year is to "make this year unforgettable." It is an unprecedented year for sure. So that's why I want to bring all of these people together, we're all going through this crazy time together and I want to make sure students are getting the resources that they need. I want to make those resources available for the students and want them to know what's available. Yeah, and I'll advocate for first year students within the mandate of my position. So my goal is to advocate for communication between the administration and the students for mutually acceptable agreements. 

WF: If you can only accomplish one thing on your platform, which would it be? 

I think that the mental health of the students is one of the most important things. Making sure they are getting the resources that are available to them to help them through this odd COVID pandemic. Because it's such an odd time so many things have been changed in our first-year university experience that I want to have some achievable goals to make sure everyone is staying well and staying healthy. 

WF: The Students’ Union has historically been criticized for being elitist. How will you make The U more open and approachable to students? 

In my position I'm here to represent all of the first-years so I my platform is open. I am willing to listen I love hearing other opinions. So, I will bring what people are asking requesting to the table, make sure that these first years get their voices heard. And yeah, we're all we're all going through this together. So, I want to make sure that we're all treated fairly and equally. 

WF: What do you think of StFX’s handling of COVID-19? What would you change? 

I am quite impressed with how the school has set into place all these regulations and rules. Yes, it is hard for first-years to have that true university experience. But I am also really impressed and proud of how us first-years have handled it so far. I want to try and get those classic events like homecoming, house hockey things that are up in the air, we're not sure what's going to happen, I want to make sure that if those don't happen, we adapt to something within the COVID regulations. I think I want to work with the Student Union to make those events available to all first years and work within the health regulations, and the school regulations. 

WF: Looking at the other candidates, why should first-years vote for you over them? 

I am very approachable. I always take a positive outlook on life. So, I feel like listening to their problems, other thoughts, we can turn that into a positive experience, make a positive change for the better. I'm very open. I'm very passionate about what I do. So, I am going to make sure that not only that they're heard, but there will be action, there will be change. I also know that I want to make achievable goals for the first-years, and I feel like I can make those goals realistic. So that way, I'm not making any empty promises. We are working with what we have and from there, we are going to achieve our goals and make a difference. 

WF: If you were to lose the election, which candidate do you hope would win? 

I think everyone who I'm running against Hunter, Brendan, and Katia are all amazing people, they're also hard working. I would love to see any of them win and represent the first-years all fairly, equally, and take that positive outlook that I really want. 

WF: Anything else you’d like to say to first-years? 

I'll try and make the best of this COVID situation. Stay positive, stay healthy, and let's make this year unforgettable. Let's make the best of it. 

StFX to Reopen Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

Following approval by the University Senate on June 18th, and the Board of Governors June 19th, StFX President Dr. Kevin Wamsley announced plans to reopen campus to students. In an email to StFX students, Wamsley announced that StFX will “offer a Senate-endorsed approach of mixed-method course delivery,” beginning September 14th.

In the email to students, Wamsley noted that the decision comes after “much careful planning and deliberation,” citing the safety of the StFX community as the university’s top priority.

Reactions to the announcement are mixed. While many students celebrate the potential return to normalcy, others are concerned. StFX Students’ Union Graduate Student Representative Lauren Viana, who is returning to campus shortly to complete self-isolation before continuing research, is concerned about safety. “All you need is one person to slip up,” Viana says, “and you can decimate a population.” According to Viana, graduate students doing research have been asked to fill out a return-to-research form outlining what facilities they will need, and what PPE they have. However, Viana has yet to see any official documentation with guidelines on returning to research. Despite these concerns, Viana is satisfied, and described reopening as “great.”

Sanjidha Ganeshan, a 4th year psychology student from Mauritius told the Xaverian Weekly that she “love[s] that school is opening again for the fall semester.” Ganeshan notes that “reopening campus will be easy if everyone does their part and respects all safety protocols.” Despite this, Ganeshan, who previously served at the International Student Representative for the Students’ Union anticipates that “some international students who went back home might decide to take the semester off just to be safe.”

StFX Students’ Union President Sarah Elliott, in a statement released shortly after the announcement was made, expresses the Union’s support for the plan. Elliott emphasized that “the StFX Students’ Union’s number one priority is the well-being of our students.” Elliot went on to say that the students’ union “[looks] forward to working with the university to provide a safe and fulfilling StFX experience.”

The members of the StFX Association of University Teachers (StFXAUT) are “cautiously optimistic” according to a statement released Friday afternoon. The StFXAUT says that their members are “looking forward to again being able to have in person interactions with students and colleagues.” The StFXAUT did however express concerns “with the lack of support being provided to many of [their] members who, despite not currently being employed by the university, are expected to … begin preparations for the fall.” This would include any part-time academic staff and contract faculty.

Laurie Boucher, Mayor of the Town of Antigonish, commented “This was a university decision that was made based on consultations with the province and public health officials. Now that the decision has been made the Town will be working with the university, hospital, RCMP and landlords in Antigonish to ensure the safety of students and residents in our community.” Boucher, responding to anxieties in the community, said “All of the partners involved have everyone’s best interests in mind and is keeping health safety a top priority during the preparation process and for when the students return in August and September.”

In an interview with Xaverian Weekly Editor-in-Chief, Will Fraser, StFX President Kevin Wamsley described the decision making process that lead up to today’s announcement. According to Wamsley the planning process has been ongoing for more than nine weeks. This process involved consultation with various stakeholders including the Students’ Union, Town of Antigonish, Municipality of the County of Antigonish, the RCMP, Saint Martha’s Regional Hospital, and landlords.

Based on consultations with these stakeholders, the university conducted space assessments of the campus, and a flow assessment to determine how the university could safely operate in the fall. With nine weeks of planning completed, the university submitted their plans to the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Robert Strang, and the Department of Labour and Advanced Education. As of this week, Wamsley says, Dr. Strang confirmed the plans were “solid.” Following the sign-off by the province, the plans were presented to the University Senate and Board of Governors. After two hours of discussion, the Board of Governors voted unanimously in favour of the recommendation.

Asked for his message to students who now must decide if they feel safe enough to return, Wamsley says “safety is a responsibility of everyone.” and noted that the university has taken steps to ensure the safety of faculty, staff, and students. Wamsley calls upon students to “be partners with [the university] and the community,” and to protect the most vulnerable members of the StFX community.

It remains unclear what restrictions will be in place when students return in September, but we know that StFX will not look the same as it has in the past.

Fall Reading Week Eliminated with Little Student Consultation

At an emergency meeting of the StFX University Senate on the morning of June 18th, the senate passed a motion to eliminate the Fall Reading Week for the 2020-2021 Academic year. The motion originated in the report of the Academic Vice-President, Dr. Tim Hynes.

Dr. Hynes commented that “the cancellation of the Fall Study Break was not something anyone wanted to see happen, ” but emphasized the university’s concern for the risks of student travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The trade-off he says, “is ending classes sooner to get them [students] home earlier in December.”

This move comes as the university prepares their plan for fall classes, which will be voted on by the Board of Governors on June 19th.

According to Siobhan Lacey, the StFX Students’ Union Vice-President Academic, this decision follows conversations between the Students’ Union Executive and the University Administration. Dr. Hynes described the Executive as being “supportive.” Lacey agrees, saying that “the number one priority of the StFX Students’ Union is the safety of our students,” and that the Union is “eager to work with the university to fill any gaps” that are left by the elimination of reading week.

Some have raised questions about the lack of student consultation that was done around this decision. One student senator, speaking on condition of anonymity, described themselves as “surprised” by the motion to remove reading week.

Alex Clow, the Student Arts Senator, described “confusion about communication” due to the turnover of senators as leading to late notice of the meeting.  According to Clow, the Student’s Union Vice-President Academic was the only student senator notified of the meeting until Clow heard from a faculty member about the upcoming meeting. Following this, Clow emailed Lacey, and she had the information sent to the other five student senators. The student senators did not get the invitation to the meeting until Monday, June 15th, three days before the meeting.

Clow, who voted in favor of the motion to eliminate fall reading week for the 2020-2021 academic year described himself as being fully supportive of the idea, citing the dangers of travel in during the pandemic.

The fall reading week was created in response to advocacy by 2018-2019 Students’ Union Vice-President Academic Tiffany MacLennan, who conducted a student survey to gage support for the idea. Students overwhelmingly supported the idea of a fall reading week, with 97.65 percent of respondents supporting the idea, with the highest support in the Faculty of Arts with 98.41 percent support, and the lowest support in the Faculty of Arts and Science with 97.01 percent support.

With such wide support for a fall reading week, it is unclear how students will react. In response to the decision, one early commenter said “I think that the university should consider the possibility that students use that time to study for their courses effectively. Ultimately, student success should be the main priority. ”

As students prepare to begin classes in the fall, this schedule change will likely factor in to their decision making moving forward.