Deciphering the Town Bylaws
/The dos and dont's of living in Antigonish
Whether you’re starting your first year at StFX or a returning student this fall, there are some things that you should know about your new home such as the town bylaws. While some town bylaws may seem like common sense, it’s best to keep yourself informed to avoid getting in trouble while living in town.
First and foremost, if you’re looking to have some fun with your friends during the evening, it’s best to remember that Antigonish has a noise control bylaw. After 10 pm, if you’re making noise that exceeds 55 dBA, you can be issued a summary offence ticket by a bylaw or police officer, with or without a noise complaint. Receiving a ticket means you can be liable for a penalty of $387.50 per occurrence. While blasting music after 10 pm may seem like fun, it might not be worth the price tag compared to going out to the pub.
Of course, if you’re living in residence, quiet hours define when you are permitted to be loud inside the buildings. Most residences will have different quiet hours for weekdays and weekends as well as different schedules during exam time. If you want to avoid having a chat with a Community Advisor, it’s best to know when the quiet hours in your residence are, and avoid making excessive noise.
Photo: Sean Smith
For those of legal drinking age heading off or on campus carrying alcohol, make sure that you’re only transporting it to another location. Having open alcohol, or illegal possession, carries a fine of $467 in Antigonish, meaning it’s best to wait to open or drink any alcohol until you’ve arrived at your destination. Alcohol in travel mugs, water bottles, or that has been opened previously can also be counted as open alcohol under the Liquor Control Act.
Another thing to keep in mind while living in Antigonish is how to sort your garbage, recycling, and compost properly. Whether you’re on or off campus, the system for sorting is the same, including what colour bags to use and what items fall under each of the three categories. Sorting guides are available on the Town of Antigonish website under Residential Waste Management and may be distributed on and off campus residences at the beginning of the academic year.
For those off campus, keep in mind that garbage, recycling, and compost bins are picked up specific days, and each bin may not be collected every week. The schedule for when each bin is collected is posted on the Residential Waste Management section of the town website, based on your address. It’s a good idea to post a copy of the schedule around your house, so you don’t forget to wheel the bins out to be collected.
Last but not least, Antigonish is not only a temporary home for StFX students. It’s important to remember that we live next to families and long-term residents, and that they should be treated with respect as well. You wouldn’t want to have noisy neighbours, see litter everywhere, or generally have a bad experience in your hometown. Try to have a positive impact on Antigonish while living here, by following the bylaws and being a good citizen.
To find any further information on Antigonish town bylaws, visit the bylaw section on the town website. Otherwise, welcome back to StFX for another great year; hopefully one without any trouble with the town bylaw officer!