The demolition of Nicholson Hall
/An update on the missing building in the StFX skyline
The recent demolition of StFX’s iconic Nicholson Hall has caused a mixture of emotions from confusion to uproar across the campus. The central building was recently torn down to make room for the new Brian Mulroney Institute of Government that is scheduled to open in 2019. While there have been many conflicting opinions on the matter, students are mainly expressing concerns about where classes will be held during the construction process.
Photo by Evan Perry
For many upper year students, the entirety of their courses have been held in Nicholson Hall in the previous years, as it housed 21 classrooms. But, despite scrutiny from the students, the administration claims to have it under control.
To replace the many classrooms that were located in Nicholson Hall, temporary classrooms have been set up all throughout campus.
The Coady Institute is just one of the many new locations for classes this year. This building is located near the north end of campus. Something that many people do not know is that located within the Coady Institute is a small library, which is a prime location for students to study.
When asking students’ opinions on the topic of study space, one Chemistry Major student stated “I typically have had the majority of my classes in Nicholson Hall for the past 2 years, I am looking forward to having classes in new places around campus”.
Classes will also be held in St. Ninian’s Place, which is attached to the St. Ninian’s Cathedral. Immaculata Hall and Gilmora Hall are right across the road from the cathedral, and will be utilized for classrooms this year as well.
The J. Bruce Brown building is typically most used by science students. However, during the renovations, it will be open to many different subjects. Similarly, the Annex, which primarily houses the psychology department, will open their doors to the rest of campus during the construction period.
Other locations for classes this upcoming semester include the Oland Centre, the Physical Science Complex, and the Schwartz School of Business.
While Nicholson Hall was very central to campus, it does not appear as though it’s demolition will limit the locations for classes to be held. Additionally, the amount of study spaces available for students seems to be unaffected.
Administration claims that construction is to be completed by spring 2019.
It remains unknown whether these new locations for classes will disrupt student life significantly, but it will undeniably create a different frosh year experience for the class of 2021.