Meet your 2016-17 Councillors
/Your elected representatives for the year
Councillors serve as the student body's representative on the Students' Union Representative Council. The student body elects their Councillors every spring according to faculty. This year's Councillors are representatives of each of the faculties or disciplines on campus: Arts, Business, Education, Graduate, International, and Science. Council meets every 2-3 weeks to vote on policies and proposals that pertain to student life on campus.
As the Arts representative to the Students' Union and the University Senate, I will be advocating for the interests of Arts students here at StFX. First and foremost, I am elected to represent the concerns of Arts students. Therefore, I am always looking to hear from Arts students about how they feel the Students' Union and the University Senate are impacting them.
Thus as a representative, I am committed to making sure that the University and the Students' Union are impacting students in a way that allows them to strive to their fullest in their scholarly pursuits. Some of the ways in which we will be doing this throughout the year are by hosting talks and discussion forums, as well as making resources available to students to allow them to succeed.
Striving for success will certainly make it a very busy time for all the frosh as you get adapted to university life. Nonetheless, I would encourage all frosh to make time in their busy schedules to get involved with various societies on campus and with the Students' Union itself. We always appreciate the presence of audience members at our meetings, which are open to the public and are a great way to stay current with what is happening.
Moreover, we are also looking for a Frosh Councillor to join our team, which will be happening very soon. Finally, I would like to wish the best to all incoming students, and extend the invitation to anyone who has any questions to please get in contact with me or any one of us at theU.
Nicholas Favero
Hi Xaverians,
My name is Will Gatchell, and I am very excited to be the Business Representative for the 2016-17 school year. I was born and raised in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia and I chose to attend St. FX for its incredible school spirit, acclaimed academics, and of course the prestigious X ring. I am currently entering my third year of the Business Administration program, doing an Advanced Major in Finance.
As business representative, I sit in on both Council and Senate meetings and represent the voice of St. FX business students. My position allows me to hear comments and concerns and to voice them at the table to ensure that the Schwartz School of Business continues to be a leading institution at this University! The Council is the main governing body of the Students’ Union, and functions to make decisions and take all actions on behalf of the students. This spans from matters like dealing with residence life to student services provided on campus. Senate focuses on the academic issues of the school, a few examples being: study space decisions, academic programming and much more. All recommendations go through the Board of Governors and the President before going into effect.
One of my goals for the upcoming year is to build an active and engaged line of communication between business students, faculty and myself. If you see me around campus, don’t hesitate to stop me, or you can also drop into my weekly office hours; it’s when there is open and inclusive dialogue taking place that I am able to best represent you! Beyond this, I really aim to further enrich student life within Schwartz. I want everyone to feel engaged with their program beyond the classroom and have plenty of opportunities to get involved. This can be achieved by supporting more extracurricular business societies, running business workshops, student & faculty socials and so much more.
As an extension to my last point, I would encourage all of you to try to get involved on campus in some capacity! St. FX is a great spot to really immerse yourself and take on new challenges. Last year I had the pleasure of being the Burke House President and within those eight months on the job, I learned countless new things, developed new skills and it was, without a doubt, the most rewarding thing I’ve done. Start small, test the waters, get your foot in the door, and then watch yourself grow. From societies, to committees, to house council teams within your residence, there are plenty of ways to start out. Ask questions along the way, and you will be sure to discover new opportunities at every turn.
Welcome to the X family,
Will Gatchell
My name is Mildred Syabeenzu and I am from Lusaka, Zambia. I’m a fourth-year student pursuing a joint major in Development Studies and Women and Gender Studies. I am very excited to serve as the International Student Representative on the Student Union Council for 2016-17. On behalf of the international constituency I would like to welcome our new international students. STFX and the Antigonish community will be your temporary home, and the International community at X will try to do its best to help you feel at home and have a smooth transition to university life.
As your council representative, my goal is to ensure that matters concerning International Students on campus are brought forward to the Student Union and other relevant offices on campus such as the administration. I will also work towards ensuring that international students are aware and benefit from the different opportunities offered by the Student Union and the university. Should you have any ideas, concerns, or initiatives that you feel should be brought to the attention of the Student Union Council or the administration please feel free to share them with me.
Last, but not least, we have the most amazing society on campus, the International Student Society. It is a society that embraces diversity, where all individuals are respected regardless of their race or religion, and where ideas can be expressed without prejudice. All students are welcome to join the society. Bring your rich culture with you because that’s what makes us unique. The society has a diverse hardworking executive in charge of planning, organizing and coordinating social events throughout the year. The International Society creates an opportunity for new students looking for volunteer experience. You can get involved and help to organize social events, connect students to resources on campus and other planned activities.
Welcome to X! I hope you will have a wonderful experience and I look forward to working with you all.
A wonderful StFX welcome to all incoming students! I hope you are ready to enjoy the roller coaster ride that will be your next four years at this incredible place I call home. My name is Victoria Sandre, and I am proud to represent all students in the Faculty of Science as Senator and Councillor for this year. I hail all the way from Ottawa, Ontario, and am entering my fourth year of a BSc in Chemistry with a minor in Earth Sciences.
Yes, the title sounds fancy, but what exactly do I do? Well, broadly speaking, Council is dedicated to enhancing the student experience outside of the classroom, and integrating the students into as many of the awesome aspects of StFX as possible. (Don’t worry, this sort of integration doesn’t involve any calculus). This includes informing everyone about special events in their faculties, hosting events to unite the students in each faculty, and truly connecting students with fellow students. After all, the traditions and spirit of StFX are rooted in community and the feeling of family, and as a Chemistry student, I am all for making strong bonds with one another.
This year, I would like to keep students informed about the events unfolding throughout the university, as well as let students know more about the roles of Councillors, Senators, and other leadership positions, so you can get involved as you create your own “Xperience.” I also hope to help address common issues brought up in the past by students, and hold an open-door policy for you to bring your concerns and ideas to my hands.
I wish you all the best of luck with this first month. Enjoy every moment, because before you know it, you’ll be receiving your X-Ring! Only 1100 days or something like that, right?