The Correlation Between Exercise and Academic Success

It’s no secret to any university student that exercising is beneficial to their health. Yet, with exams approaching, essays, and final papers due, many students do not feel they can carve out time in their busy schedules for a workout.


This is completely understandable. However, what if I told you that even doing a quick 20-minute workout could enhance academic performance long-term?


As per a study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, executive functioning and brain health are basic cognitive functions that facilitate learning. Evidently, these functions are related to academic success. The study “shows that regular exercise enhances them” (Hillman, 65).


Furthermore, especially in university students that have ADHD, exercise allows for better focus on academics, therefore, helping improve performance in the long term. In addition, if a 20-minute morning workout allows for better focus throughout the day, you should make the effort to put it into your schedule.  You may focus better on your lectures and improve your overall sleep quality.


Regular exercise can also lead to a better quality of sleep, which is directly related to academic performance (Tomporowski, 297).


There are also so many options for working out on campus if this is a barrier for you. The gym in the Keating Centre is accessible to all STFX students. There are also many workout classes available. You could go for a run on the track, go to lane swim when the pool opens back up, or even do a quick workout at home. There are lots of options on YouTube for these workout classes.


Even just listening to music and going for a walk around campus is a great way to work out, especially with the weather warming up and the longer days.


With all the other obvious benefits to exercise, one that is less talked about is that exercise can improve our grades. For your transcript, as well as your physical and mental health, try to get a workout in, occasionally.


Hillman CH, Erickson KI, Kramer AF. Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008 Jan;9(1):58-65. doi: 10.1038/nrn2298. PMID: 18094706.

Tomporowski PD. Effects of acute bouts of exercise on cognition. Acta Psychol (Amst). 2003 Mar;112(3):297-324. doi: 10.1016/s0001-6918(02)00134-8. PMID: 12595152.

My Virtual Doctor

Amidst the recent student union elections, there was also discourse surrounding the vote on whether a new referendum should be approved. This referendum is called My Virtual Doctor, and fortunately, students voted it in.


It’s no secret that many students have waited hours, upon hours in the emergency room at St. Martha’s Hospital and that the Nova Scotia healthcare system is deeply flawed.  My Virtual Doctor helps to solve some of these social issues surrounding healthcare, especially for the vulnerable student population, some of whom are living on their own for the first time and haven’t yet learned how to advocate for themselves.


The referendum allows students to skip the waiting room, and is a virtual healthcare service that offers, confidential, unlimited, 24/7 access across Canada to registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians. Students can choose to discuss with a healthcare professional via either texting, video chat, or phone. With an average wait time of only four minutes for a consult and access to healthcare services in multiple languages, it is difficult to find flaws in this referendum.


Additionally, what services are offered to students via My Virtual Doctor? Students can receive referrals and requisitions for labs, bloodwork, and specialists. Students can be provided with diagnoses and treatment plans and can be directed to the proper facilities. There is also delivery of prescriptions to a pharmacy of the student’s choice provided, appointments are available within 24 hours, and extension is available to eligible family members at no additional cost.


Furthermore, no Nova Scotia healthcare card or Government Canada healthcare card is needed to enroll in this service, which is revolutionary as this is a common barrier to health equity. All full-time undergraduate STFX students will be enrolled automatically. The fee is only 44.85 dollars a year as well.


My Virtual Doctor also allows students the opportunity to opt-out unconditionally each year with a full refund to their student account before the opt-out deadline. There is no barrier to opting out of My Virtual Doctor.


Overall, this referendum was voted in for a reason, using students’ voices to make a difference, and helping to solve certain issues surrounding health equity, for the vulnerable student population. This includes lessening wait times and making healthcare more accessible in general. Transportation, eligibility, forgetfulness, finances, access to a health card, language, as well as mental health, are all barriers to health equity, and My Virtual Doctor is amazing for wanting to give the right to healthcare to all students.


I know that I have waited hours, late into the night for myself and for my friends in the emergency room and have struggled to access prescriptions at Antigonish pharmacies due to the barrier of being out of province. I know that I am not alone in this and that this service would’ve been very utile for me as well as other students.


Thank you, My Virtual Doctor, I cannot wait to see how you help our students in action.

Intramural Sports for The Winter

Unfortunately, at this time of year, the sun sets at 4:30pm. This means StFX students are left with less daylight than preferred, maybe even only 2 or 3 hours, depending on your sleep and class schedule. It’s also colder outside, and there’s the stress of a new semester.

However, there is one thing that can help with the mental health challenges that come in the winter months:  the possibility of registering for an intramural sport. Intramurals are an extra-curricular activity that is highly underrated, where leagues are created, and you get to play sports in a low-stress environment with your friends. There is something for everyone, with no experience required. You can meet new people and create new memories.

It’s a form of exercise that is proven to boost mood, as well as a forced, and likely well-deserved, break from academia and coursework. Whether it is studying, writing yet another paper, or doing readings, intramurals are a fantastic way to set your mind to something else for a couple of hours.

According to the StFX athletics website, there are many options for intramurals in the winter. These include recreational volleyball, super recreational volleyball, and indoor soccer. Registration for both types of volleyball closed on 6 January, however, registration for soccer closes on 16 February.

To register for these sports, simply go to, scroll down to “Winter Line Up 2023”, and click the registration link, where you sign in with the same username and password as you do for your Moodle account.

It is only possible to register, however, if you have already signed up with XREC. If you go to the StFX gym regularly, and can swipe your card, you are signed up. If this is not the case, simply go to the pool desk in Keating and ask to register.

There are also ESPORT tournaments happening at StFX each month this winter hosted by XREC intramurals. You can register the exact same way for ESPORTS as you do for other sports such as volleyball, except, after following the link, you are led to a sign-up sheet through Microsoft Forms. This uses a QR code, and the platform required is XBOX or PS. These are fun elimination tournaments, where the lucky winner walks away with an XREC prize package.

There is an ESPORTS football tournament where registration closes on 2 February 2023, which takes place on the game Madden 23. There is also an ESPORTS rocket league tournament, where registration closes on 9 March 2023.

Finally, XREC is hosting a student-only night of skating and music at the arena in the Keating Centre. This takes place from 7-9pm, on Saturday, 18 March. The theme for this event is St. Patrick’s Day colours! Be sure to get there early, as there is only a limited number of helmets and skates available for use.

There is also the possibility of an XREC curling night sometime in March 2023.  There are also group fitness classes that XREC offers, with a schedule available online, and plenty of games for you to go watch to support your fellow Xaverians.

For more information, visit the website mentioned above, contact XREC, or follow @stfxintramurals on Instagram.

Cheerleading Is a Sport: An Ode to True Athleticism

In the last few weeks on StFX’s campus, there has been a lot of discourse regarding whether cheerleading should be deemed a sport. I was stunned to be the biggest advocate in very heated debates in my residence lounge on the status of cheerleading in the sporting world. My competitors in these debates, unsurprising to you, I’m sure, have never once been a cheerleader in their lives.

As an author, who has done dance, as well as synchronized swimming in the past, I felt that I could speak to the hard work of cheerleaders in these debates, given that my athleticism is also frequently disrespected. However, I realize now that I was wrong.

A previously well-meaning article created unintended backlash and hurt, with the misinterpretation that cheerleading was not for all gender identities. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, or from my opinion, for that matter. I have always felt that dance and synchronized swimming would greatly benefit from more athletes that do not identify as feminine or female. The same applies to cheerleading.

 To address this, and give a voice to those who felt I spoke for them, I have reached out to current StFX cheer athletes.

According to an anonymous athlete, some members of the STFX cheer team practice three times a week, for 8 hours total. This seems like a large time commitment to me and should be enough to solidify cheerleading’s place in the sporting world!

However, for many readers, more convincing may be needed. The definition of a sport is, “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment” (Oxford Dictionary, n.d.). Cheerleading certainly takes skill, as I’m sure not everyone has the ability to throw people in the air and catch them flawlessly. It requires strength and expertise to make it look easy.

Another misconception of cheerleading is that these athletes simply cheer on the sidelines for other sports. In fact, the opposite is true. Cheerleaders have their own competitions, as does the white team here at StFX. Also, while cheering on other sports, there is choreography and difficult tumbling involved, showcasing the athleticism required in cheerleading.

 Cheer is open to all identities and is not about femininity.

What could possibly dismiss cheerleading as anything less than a sport?

Hockey Gives Blood Comes to StFX

A wonderful non-profit organization called Hockey Gives Blood has recently been established here at STFX. It’s partnered with Canadian Blood Services, and their goal is to raise awareness about blood and stem cell donations. The organization believes that athletes in the hockey community should give back and believe in social and community responsibility.

It is no secret that giving blood saves lives, and X-Woman Anna MacCara, helping to establish Hockey Gives Blood here at STFX wanted to do just that. She says that she, “wanted to be a part of something that would make a difference in someone’s life.” In a small town like Antigonish, this could be huge. Anna also says that, “the organization has made significant impacts on communities” and that she’s, “looking to continue that on campus and in Antigonish.”

Just recently on November 5th, there was a Hockey Gives Blood night right here at STFX, which was a game versus Mount Allison University, where our incredible X-Women helped to raise awareness about donating blood, and to give information about how to become a donor.

Xaverians are doing amazing things, and contrary to popular misconception, you can look no further than our small town of Antigonish for many opportunities, such as saving lives and giving blood.

Exciting Renovations to Come to The Charles V. Keating Centre

Upon, scouring the internet for information and to do some research to write this article, I found practically nothing about STFX’s renovations to the Charles V. Keating centre in January. After an interview, I have since realized there are so many exciting improvements to come.

It’s no secret that the fitness centre at STFX is getting old, offers too small of a space for our number of students, and that many students opt for a membership at Goodlife Fitness as an alternative.

Therefore, I have brought in staff member Bob Hale, director of Ancillary Services here at STFX, and asked him some questions about these renovations.

I first inquired about what these renovations would entail. Essentially, our fitness centre on the first floor will be completely gutted and will be replaced by new classrooms. The fitness centre will be moved to the second floor and will nearly triple in size.

The fitness centre will be moved to the second floor and will nearly triple in size. There will be new locker rooms as well and the welcome desk will be updated. Furthermore, there’s an additional multi-purpose space being built for yoga, stretching, or almost any type of activity. Finally, the auxiliary gymnasium will get new flooring, and will be replaced by a multipurpose floor plan, for basketball, indoor baseball, and floor hockey. There will also be walls that are updated to get rid of mold. Overall, the Charles V. Keating centre will be freshened up, with these impressive renovations.

I also wondered about the timeline for these exciting improvements to our school. Fortunately, our fitness centre will stay open until April 2023, when most of us go home for the summer. However, the pool, and racquetball courts will close in January 2023. Everything is scheduled to reopen in September 2023.

There are also economic factors to consider surrounding the renovations of which I inquired to Mr. Hale. Asking about the staff, he replied that, “if anything, these renovations could create jobs, with more staff and more space to do activities.” Additionally, this project, which will cost about 15 million dollars, was partly funded by our student body. If you remember, or even attended this school at that time, several years ago students voted on a donation fee, and this fee has been accumulating. This means that STFX students are giving back to their community, and it will pay off, as these renovations are a huge win for our student body.

Overall, this project is very promising, and should give rise to many feelings of excitement for the student population.